174ПС1РМК | 174ПС1ТМК

TS number
gold, nickel
Case type
201.16-13, 201.16-13Н, 401.14-5М, 401.14-5.07НБ
Price on demand
174ПС1РМК | 174ПС1ТМК
  • Technical characteristics

174ПС1 microcircuits are used in high-frequency, superhigh-frequency radio equipment, broadcasting and television devices as signal converters with a wide range of applications.

Main electrical parameters

Parameter name, unit of measurement Parameter symbol Maximum permissible level Limit
at least at most at least at most
Ambient temperature, °С T -60 85 -60 85
Supply voltage, V UСС 8,1 9,9 4 15
Input voltage, V UI - 0,5 - 1
Reference voltage, V UR - 0,5 - 1
Input voltage frequency, MHz fI - 200 - 220
Reference voltage frequency, MHz fR - 210,7 - 220
AC load resistance, kOhm RL 1 - - -